Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

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Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by harlard »

Hi all,

Hoping that this is something that has been addressed before, however I have been unable to find an answer just yet.

For background, this is on an E39 running MS42, with the Renovelo simplified/MAF modded software, and a DATAQ DI-1100 using the analog 0-5v output from an AEM 30-4110 wideband; analog ground is tied with sensor ground.

Question is: When both logging on Byte Logger and Byte Tuner, is it common or expected for the record output rate to be of about 1 record per 2 seconds? EGO records in the log attached are the same for every 13 records in the OBD2 channels. I was under the impression that the log speed using DATAQ should match the OBD2 logger rate, based on the product description.

In short: What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by Renovelo »

Hey Harlard,

We just tested on our bench with the exact same channels and DME. Although we didn't actually have a real voltage source connected to the DI-1100, we can see it fluctuating between 0.00 and 0.01V faster than 0.5Hz. For example, we can see it switch from 0.00V to 0.01V in 0.16s and back to 0.00V in the next 0.16s. It should match exactly whatever the rate coming from OBD2 is (~10-13Hz if you only had parameters from one group selected). However, you had parameters from two groups selected, so it would be half that. Our logs showed ~6Hz.

You mentioned "both logging on ByteLogger and ByteTuner". I'm hoping you didn't mean you were trying to use both tools simultaneously. This isn't necessary as the data logging capabilities of ByteLogger are built into ByteTuner.

Perhaps your wideband is limiting the output frequency for some reason? You could test this by doing the same thing we did (not connecting anything to the DI-1100). You could get lucky and see the voltage fluctuating slightly even with nothing attached. Or you could take any voltage source less than 10V (AA battery for example) and rapidly connect/disconnect it to some wires. As long as you could do this faster than 0.5Hz, you should be able to test if it's your wideband or not.
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Re: Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by harlard »

Thank you for the quick reply! I will test and get back to you. As for running both suites at once, no, I ran them separately :)
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Re: Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by harlard »

OK I was finally able to get some time with the E39. Wired a 1.5v AAA battery to a switch and connected it to the DI-1100* (my mistake on the OP), manually cycled it at a frequency of roughly 0.2-4 Hz:

1. Ran both the wideband and switch in Windaq. Both seemed to work perfectly well; it could capture the 0-1.5v change accurately as quickly as I could cycle the switch. I could see a very smooth acquisition rate for both channels. I can post a Windaq log as well if desired.
2. Then I selected to log the same fields in Byte Tuner. Only the parameters from the firs group were selected, along with channels 1 and 2 from the DI-1100. Same issue as before; the sample rate is so slow that Bytetuner does not recognize the changes in voltage as individual switchpoints on channel 2 at the beginning of the log.

Hoping to find a resolution to this issue soon.

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Re: Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by Renovelo »

Do you get the same slow rate when only logging the DI-1100 using ByteTuner? Make sure to not select any OBD2 channels and only select one or two of the analog DAQ channels.

Also, can you send us the *.log file which was generated in the background? You can find this file by clicking the "Logs" button under the Help menu. They're named by date. Just send us the one which captures your tests. Feel free to email it directly to us if you want.

Lastly, do you notice if this is only a problem when data logging or is the live value display on the right side of the screen very slow for the analog channels?
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Re: Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by harlard »

I think I may have figured it out. Just noticed that the current release of Byte Tuner is 1.8. My software version (as I just realized when looking for it) is 0.5.0. I haven't given it much thought, as every time the software prompts me to update, the .zip file that is downloaded turns out to be blank.

I will email you a request for a download link shortly.
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Re: Datalogging with DATAQ DI-100; slow logging

Post by Renovelo »

Hey Harald,

We recently had another customer contact us with the same problem. We dug a little deeper and with the help of the engineers at DATAQ, discovered a bug with the firmware on the DI-1100. The DI-1100 we use for development had v117 firmware on it whereas they currently ship with v134. After we upgraded the firmware on our DI-1100 to v134, we were able to replicate this exact issue on certain computers (not all though). When we downgraded the firmware back to v117, we were not able to replicate the issue on any computer. If you are still experiencing this problem, contact us and we can send you a copy of this firmware along with instructions on how to downgrade it. We will be releasing a check in ByteTuner which will notify customers of this bug if it detects affected firmware versions.
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